
Minggu, 04 Juli 2010



The Little Seed

Once upon a time, there lived a little boy named Jason. He lived in old house with his old mother. Their house was near the river with the large field beside it. They were poor, but they were kind, hard worker and honest. They lived in the village which all the people were rich but arrogant and lazy. They just made a party and eat anything they could without kept their environment well. Moreover, they just destroyed the environment around them.

One day, Jason had nothing to eat but just one piece of bread. He tried to ask some meat from people in the village, so he and his mother could have dinner that night. Door by door he tried to asked, but he did not get the meat at all. Furthermore, all people in the village insulted him and chased him away. Jason was really upset and desperate. He could not go home without brought anything to his old mother.

On the way when he thought how to find some food, he saw an old man was insulted and injured by rich people in the village. The old man just tried to ask some food to eat. There were no people in the village helped him. Jason was really sympathy to him, since the cause was same. Both of them were poor and tried to find some food. Then, he decided to give his bread to the old man. He thought that he and his mother might stand not to eat just for one night, but the old man couldn’t because he looked so pale.

After eating the bread, the old man was very thankful and gave some seed to Jason. Suddenly, the old man said in weird sound that there would be a deadly dry season, and Jason had to plant those seed immediately. Actually, Jason did not clearly understand about it. But, before he asked more, the old man suddenly disappeared.

Jason, who tried to believe about what the old man said, went straight home and told it to his beloved mother. In truth, his mother was surprised, but she tried to convince him to do what the old man asked since she didn’t want anything happened to her son.

In the next day, both of them started to plant those seed in their field. Thought, all people insulted them that there would neither any disaster nor deadly dry season, but they did not care and worked hard no matter happened.

Three months later, without any warning before, suddenly there was no rain and the river was dried. The entire field and any plants were died. There were no foods any more in the village. But, it did not effect for Jason and his mother. They had kept the food from their field long before the dry season came.

It was the deadly dry season that ever came in the village, one by one people in the village were starving and some of them began to die. Jason and his mother were really sad.

In the morning, they decided to share their food for people in the village with one requisite that they would keep the environment and be wiser than before. All of them agreed and promised to do that. They were glad and thanked to Jason and his mother. Now, after the deadly dry season through, they cultivated and kept their environment wiser than before. All people in the village could live in prosperous without any exception and lived happily ever after.

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