
Minggu, 04 Juli 2010



Planting trees was our agenda this weekend. Before facing that day, we had prepared for the all things that we needed to do planting. We would plant some trees in the hill behind our campus.

When the week end came, we were ready to do planting trees. The day was so beautiful. The sun shone brightly in the morning and the west wind breezed so smooth. It was time for me and my friends to do planting.

After we reached the area that would be planted, we felt so sad to know the condition that was so bad and terrible because the land was deeply damaged. We wondered why the people around that land ignored about the destruction there.

Knowing that situation, we all kept our spirit to make the land green. We started planting one by one tree. Although it took a long time to plant all the trees that we prepared, but we did planting with awareness.

In the middle of planting time, suddenly the rain came. The rain came with thunder and the wind blew so strong. We could not continue planting, so we took a rest to take shelter under a hut and waited the rain stopped.

We worried, because the rain could not stop. In fact, we had to continue planting. Wondering that situation, we had to respect to the nature, because the rain would make a better life to the Earth. So we waited until the rain stopped patiently.

In the afternoon, when the day almost became darker, finally the rain stopped. So we continued planting. We planted the trees easier because the rain made the soil better. We all got more spirit.

After all, when the evening came, we could finish planting. Thanks God, we did it well. Planting trees was very important. Although we were so tired but we kept very excited. We believed that planting trees could make a better future for the Earth.

Genre: Narrative
Topic: Environment
Title: Planting Trees

Name: Windhariyati Dyah Kusumawanti
NIM: 2201408038
Study Group: 3 (307-308)

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