
Senin, 14 Juni 2010

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Name : Yudha Harry S.

SRN : 2250408002


Honey is among the oldest type of natural food known to mankind. Its consumption has been recorded in ancient civilization, and for many races it was the only source of pure sweetness. It was lovely believed to have health-giving properties, the journal of ancient doctor contained references to honey as the most important ingredient in their meditation.

The ancient Greek believed that eating honey can increase man’s life span by almost double. In the early Olympic Games athletes took honey to perform better and after the games, to restore their strength. In the modern times it has been proven that honey can prevent and cure all kind of illness. Germs of dysentery, typhoid, pneumonia, and variety of other disease died soon after they placed in pure honey.

Honey is rich of vitamin and because of its high food value; it is better than any other type of sugar. It has been converted into simple sugar by bees, so it is easy to digest or releases energy quickly. Besides, it never goes bad, as it was found in Egyptian tombs after thousand of years honey was still good enough to be eaten.

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