
Rabu, 30 Juni 2010


The Legend of Tugel Mountain

Once upon a time, there was a man called Kiai Singaprana whom the grand child of Raden Joko Dandun or well known as Syekh Bela-Belu son of Brawijaya, the last king of Majapahit. Kiai Singaprana lived in Boyolali.

Singaprana was a kind-hearted person. He always helped the people who needed help. His life was so simple, but happiness always covered his face. However, there was a man who hated Singaprana so much, he was Raga Ranting.

One day, Raga Ranting couldn’t close his eyes. His chest was hot and his heart was trembled, the entire body was burnt of jealousy. Therefore, when his eyes opened, he couldn’t see anything and when his eyes closed he was imagined by the face of Kiai Singaprana which full of happiness. Without logical reason, at that night, Raga Ranting decided to kill Kiai Singaprana.

Raga Ranting who lived in the Kendeng mountainous tight the rope in the two top of the mountain, that was at the mountain of Kendeng and mountain beside it, which Kiai Singaprana lived in. Then Raga Ranting rolled an egg which run so fast from his place and crashed the top of mountain which Kiai Singaprana lived in. That crash created a very loud sound which more than a thousand of nuclear bomb’s explosion. As a result, the top of the mountain was broke ( or TUGEL in Javanese), but Kiai Singaprana was safe and his house still complete, included all of the furniture inside there. Knowing that fact, Raga Ranting became more hate to him. His hatred was beating. His entire body and soul were hold by his hatred, so his body destroyed, shattered without trace.

After years passed, Kiai Singaprana had felt that his time was coming. He left a message to his wife Nyai Singaprana, that if he died he wanted to bury in the mountain which broke because of the crashed of the Raga Ranting’s egg. Finally, Kiai Singaprana was died and he buried in the Tugel Mountain.

All kinds of jealousy, vengeance could destroy us while being a kind, nice and helpful person could give the peace and happiness to ourselves and the others.

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