
Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

Fajar Setio Nugroho (2201405505) - REVIEW TEXT


Dr. Adrian Helmsley, part of a worldwide geophysical team investigating the effect on the earth of radiation from unprecedented solar storms, learns that the earth's core is heating up. He warns U.S. President Thomas Wilson that the crust of the earth is becoming unstable and that without proper preparations for saving a fraction of the world's population, the entire race is doomed. Meanwhile, writer Jackson Curtis stumbles on the same information. While the world's leaders race to build "arks" to escape the impending cataclysm, Curtis struggles to find a way to save his family. Meanwhile, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes of unprecedented strength wreak havoc around the world.

2012 is a science fiction disaster film released in 2009. The film briefly references Mayanism, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, and the 2012 phenomenon in its portrayal of cataclysmic events unfolding in 2012.

Whether we don't know the story 2012 happens or not. But when we think of this, we feel horrible and if it happens in the real life, we can't even think of it. Only God knows if it is going to be true or not, but the imagination of the director deserves a big applause, great visual effect. It is wonderful movie.

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