
Selasa, 29 Juni 2010



I was in the second grade of junior high school when it happened. That day was so cloudy so I expected that it would be raining so hard. Fortunately, I was in my school when it was raining. The day ran fast, but the rain did not stop yet. I bet that the rain made the rivers overflowed.

I met my cousin at the parking lots, we rode our bicycle to go home, because the rain was still running, we decided to break through the rain. We got wet immediately and be careful to get home. We travelled through the street which overflowed by the water. We were so careful because if we got slip we would splash into the river.

When we arrived at the highway, we thought that we escaped from the flood, but the next tragedy happened. We were almost glad that we, finally, would get home because that day was so terrible. However, we saw a crowd in front of us and we decided to check this out. We almost gave up when we saw a bridge, which was the only way to get home, overflowed by the water and we could not pass it because of the torrential current. We waited and waited until the current moved slow.

We had no idea about what we were going to do because it was in the late afternoon and we could not inform our parents about our condition, no choise, because at that time we had no cell-phone yet. When the current was moving slow, my cousin and I faced the current and guided our bicycles through the water. We were so fear because in the fact the current was not that slow, although we saw it was slower than before, actually the current moved fast. It also brought the mucks with it and it impeded our moving.

However, finally we arrived at the top road of the bridge, and we were not glad at all because we had to face the current, again. With the brave heart, we lunged at the current and we succeeded to pass it. We all were wet from the top until the bottom, and we continued our journey to go home.

When we were at home, our parents were looking forward to us, and we told them what actually happened along the road. That flood was the worst since I have been living in this town, and it subsided by the night passed

Sri Suswanti



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