
Sabtu, 01 Mei 2010


Rain is the water that falls from the clouds. It includes steam, temperature, air pressure, and wind.

Rain is produced when the steam water from the ocean, sea, lakes, and others kind of large pool which contents of much water rises up to the sky. This condition will go on for several times and then the steam will gather in the sky. The steam is usually less dense; therefore, it creates low air pressure. After this, the wind carries the steam to the mountainous place. The air in this place is cooler than in the previous place. The cool air is denser, then creates high air pressure.

When the steam in the clouds becomes denser (heavier), it will drop to the earth and we call it as rain. The water of the rain is absorbed by the earth and the current of water underground is leading toward the lower places, such as sea, ocean, lakes, and so on.

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