
Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

Dina Suci Marliana

Hortatory Exposition

In all of discussion over the riches of Semarang, there are some special cuisine which are well known in other city, such as tahu gimbal, soto semarang, and bandeng presto. All of three cuisine should be tasted when you come to Semarang because of its unique and only in Semarang you can find it.

The firs argument is that tahu gimbal has special form with other cuisine. It is made by fried tofu mixed with lontong ( food consisting of rice steamed in a banana leaf )., boiled bean sprouts, and shrimp gimbal. It is very attractive.

Another example is soto Semarang which also has different form with the other soto from the other city. In Semarang, soto is mixed with rice directly and completed with quail egg or mussel or chicken sate while in other city the rice is separated from soto itself.

Second argument is that bandeng presto is a special cuisine of Semarang which merely only in Semarang you will find this cuisine because it originally is from Semarang. you can find that cuisine in Bandeng Juwana Shop in Pandaran Street which is the center of food gift in Semarang.

I feel that those three kind of cuisine of Semarang should be tasted when you come to this city.

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