
Senin, 17 Mei 2010

Fajar Setio Nugroho (2201405505) - Explanation Text

Why it Rains?

If you are patient enough, you can watch clouds slowly growing in the sky. It is from these that when the air is fully saturated with moisture, rain will fall and this is why it happens.

Rain comes from moisture that has been drawn up in the air by the sun’s heat to form invisible water vapour. The change from liquid water to water vapour is called evaporation. The water vapour is blown across the ocean until it is over the land. The land is warmer than the ocean, so the water vapour rises over the land. As it rises, water vapour cools down. It condenses changes back into liquid water around tiny air bone specks or dust or salt and forms water droplets.

Gradually clouds forms from the growing mass of water droplets. Within the clouds, the droplets collide with each other and form larger water droplets. These may become so big and heavy they fall as rain.

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