
Selasa, 11 Mei 2010


Nurturing a friendship is very tough. Once it breaks, getting it back on the road can seem a very daunting task.

Fixing a broken friendship takes a lot of effort,Time, emotions, feeling, money are investments that you have made in the friendship and it's only the individuals who understand and appreciate it, that are in the particular friendship. However before you start mending the fences, ask yourself is it really worth it. If you think that it is worth it, then you should just go ahead. First and foremost look at the small things that brought you together.

It's always the small things that matter the most. When you listen to your friend, then you can make progress in your friendship. For that you need to stop taking things for granted. Many a times when we start taking our friend for granted, the rot begins to appear. We stop appreciating the small things that they do for us.


Nama: Windhariyati Dyah Kusumawanti
NIM: 2201408038
Rombel: 3 (307-308)

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