Senin, 31 Mei 2010
Boarder Students and Refreshing
Boarding students have to solve their problem independently, without the helps from parents. If they do not do refreshing, they cannot think clearly the salvation of those problems.
Students need to refresh their mind to keep it in good mood condition. It is really important because students always get assignments and duties to study which need a good frame of mind.
From those reasons, I think students which live in boarding house should take more refreshing time in order to keep their mind healthy enough so that they can solve their problems and assignments perfectly.
Yunita Nasti Anastasia
Parents Should Pay More attention To Their Children
When I realize, my relationship with my family, especially my parents is good, it can reduce my desire to do the bad activity. The teens that feel comfort and enjoy spending time in home usually do not have any passion to do the bad things.
Moreover, the parents as the leader in the family should give such advice for their children. Every action by their child is their responsibility too. The parents should lead the teens to do the good activity for the bright future.
I feel that the parents should know everything of their child’s growth and activity. This is one good way to avoid the juvenile delinquency. Furthermore, the parents should spend more time to accompany and make a good relationship to their children.
Therefore, the parents’ attention is important for the child’s growth. A good relationship with the parents will reduce the desire to do the juvenile delinquency.
Those, for the parents, just give attention, advice, and if there have enough time, try to spend the time to accompany their children in home or outside and the most important thing is to keep in touch with the children.
Parents Should Pay More attention To Their Children
When I realize, my relationship with my family, especially my parents is good, it can reduce my desire to do the bad activity. The teens that feel comfort and enjoy spending time in home usually do not have any passion to do the bad things.
Moreover, the parents as the leader in the family should give such advice for their children. Every action by their child is their responsibility too. The parents should lead the teens to do the good activity for the bright future.
I feel that the parents should know everything of their child’s growth and activity. This is one good way to avoid the juvenile delinquency. Furthermore, the parents should spend more time to accompany and make a good relationship to their children.
Therefore, the parents’ attention is important for the child’s growth. A good relationship with the parents will reduce the desire to do the juvenile delinquency.
Those, for the parents, just give attention, advice, and if there have enough time, try to spend the time to accompany their children in home or outside and the most important thing is to keep in touch with the children.
Rise Aditya Anggraeni
A stomach disorder is such kind of digestion problem in the stomach cavity. People that has often experienced the stomach disorder usually has bad habit in eating. It is usually happened to a busy and under wealthy men. As a formal, a busy and under wealthy man are difficult to deal with their eating time. They always deny for eating.
Scientifically speaking, the stomach disorder is caused by the over production of stomach acid, HCL. The stomach always moves every time. The stomach’s movement keeps moving without caring whether there is food or not. When the stomach is empty of food, its keep[ moving and over products the HCL. The over production of HCL causes the stomach disorder.
A stomach disorder often attacks people because their habit. There are some reasons that cause a stomach disorder.
First, the stomach disorder is caused by the depression. As we know, some of the people is very sensitive when they have problems or feel depression. Their body will responses their feeling and one of the result is they get trouble with their stomach.
Second, the stomach disorder is caused by disorder eating. Businessmen and under wealthy people often deny their eating time. Denying the eating time itself, will cause stomach disorder.
Thus, for the reasons above, the stomach disorder often attack people because of their habit.
Healthy is important for our life. Nobody wants to get sick. There are a lot of sickness that become worse if we should not care at the beginning. One of them is stomach disorder. Stomach disorder is caused by some reasons, there are:
First, eating disorder. Some people love snack very much. Every meal time, they eat snack. In the middle of meal time they eat snack again. They do not care that their stomachs need main menu. If the they consume not enough food, they will get stomach disorder.
Second, they do not have time to eat. Busy workers for instance, only have thirty minutes for lunch in the middle of working time from eight to four o’clock. Because of the little meal time, they just ignore it and push up theirselves to finish working until four o’clock. And after four o’clock they just start to eat. Imagine, how if in the beginning of day they do not have breakfast? How weak is their stomach?
From the statement above we should care about stomach disorder. Furthermore, if the stomach becomes acute illness, it will cause a deadly illness for human. So, basically speaking we should concern stomach disorder.
Minggu, 30 Mei 2010
Speedy Scandal Movie Review
Review Text
Speedy Scandal (Hangul: 과속스캔들) is a Korean film released in December 3, 2008. The film which directed by Kang Hyeong-Cheol is a comedy about the relationships within a dysfunctional family. Nam Hyeon-Soo (Cha Tae-Hyun), a popular radio program host who is now in his mid-thirties. He lives a scandal free and happy bachelor life. One of the regular callers on his radio program is a 22 year-old single mother by the name of Hwang Jeong-Nam (Park Bo-Yeong). Jeong-Nam frequently calls the radio program to seek Hyeon-Soo’s advice; she wants to find and reunite with her father, a man who doesn’t even know she exists. Hyeon-Soo encourages her to find her father and build a relationship.
One day, Jeong-Nam, along with her five year old son Hwang Gi-Dong, shows up on Hyeon-Soo’s apartment with the claim that he is her father! In fact, Jeong-Nam is the result of a one night stand that Hyeon-Soo had when he was in high school. In his mid-thirties, Hyeon-Soo is not only suddenly a father but a grandfather. The film goes on to talk about how Hyeon-Soo tries to keep what would be a major scandal under wraps.
This film really isn’t about teenage pregnancy. It, instead, is about relationships and family dynamics. Each of the three family members has their own relationship problems; even five-year-old Gi-Dong has trouble in attracts the pretty girl in his kindergarten class. And, predictably, the film also shows Hyeon-Soo slowly knows how to take on his father and grandfather roles. In this film, Cha Tae-Hyun brings his comedic skills and acts very well while Park Bo-Yeung brings a nice innocence and a bit of presumption to her character. The character who catches attention of this film is Hwang Seok-Hyeon, the cute young actor who plays the grandson. He brings an amusing comedic charm that would come off as silly in an adult but cute in a child.
Overall, the film is very light, entertaining, and amusing. It really is appropriate for the whole family and explores the complexity of family relationships in a comedic way. It takes easy to understand this film.
The Potency of Corn
Hortatory Exposition
In the discussion about the advantages of corn, it seems that there are many advantages that we cam take from corn.
When I know that corn contains much nutrition, the farmers are trying to find the other ways to process corn into more advantageous food. By learning the nutrition in the corn, we can develop how to take more advantages from corn.
I feel that corn which has much nutrition should be explored more. There is a chance for corn to substitute rice as primary food. Moreover, it will be healthier food than rice.
Corn contains carbohydrate like rice. It can fulfill human’s necessary of carbohydrate. Corn also contains less sugar than rice so that it can be an alternative food for the diabetics. It also contains some vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, corn is easy to cook into some interesting kinds of food.
Rabu, 26 Mei 2010
Selasa, 25 Mei 2010
exampe of review text
hope it will be useful for you all. :-)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret
By J.K. Rowling
Reviewed by Emily Kremer
The book takes place in modern times, in England. The main character is Harry Potter. Harry Potter is a wizard. He goes to a school for Witches and Wizards, called Hogwarts.
It is Harry's second year at Hogwarts and he and his two best friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley are having a great time learning magic. There is a new professor, Gilderoy Lockhart who all the witches are crazy about! Professor Lockhart keeps nagging harry, because the professor thinks that Harry tries to get attention to be famous! While all the witches at school love the new professor, all of the wizards think he is a big joke!
After a month of school at Hogwarts, strange attacks begin to happen. First, the caretaker's cat, Mrs. Norris, has been found, not dead, but petrified! Not only was Filch's cat attacked but some of the Muggle-born students at Hogwarts have been found petrified also. Naturally, all of the students are frightened at this, but they become even more scared when the next victim to be found petrified is the Griffindor ghost, Nearly Headless Nick.
What kind of monster is powerful enough to kill someone who is already dead? Who will be the next victim of the monster at Hogwarts? Will the victims ever be revived? To find out you must read Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets! I have to say that the story was bright, fast-paced, intriquing, and ultimately satisfying.
I like this book because it kept me wanting to read next page and the next and so on. The book is definitely a page-turner! I recommend this book to nine years old and over.
taken from
analytical exposition text
Facebook is one of the friendship site which is most used by the Indonesian society. All of citizens, either adult, youth or kids use account of facebook. For the adult, facebook gives any advantages but for the youth, especially junior high school students it will bring any problems. The problems are showed from these following arguments.
First, the students usually forget to study. They would rather spend their time to explore their facebook account than open their lesson books. Because of that, the prestige of the students must be decreased.
Then, Because of facebook, the students can enter into free association. It is because they can search and get any friends from facebook freely. The psychology’s conditon of the students which is not stable yet causes the students trying a new thing although it is not good for them.
According to these facts, we can know that facebook can give any bad effect for children, especially for junior high school students.
Analytical Exposition Text
Should We Learn English for Daily life?
There are many facts of using English in our daily life. There are so many people speak it especially in a higher level, scientific, and many more. In this era we are demanded to improve our skill and English is one of it. I think it’s not bad for us to learn English even for all people. It can also be also believed as a tool to unite people around the world because we come from different culture and language and English is one of international language besides it is also a top requirement of those seeking job.
Firstly, English is an international language. English is the most important language in the world. Many people speak it. Not only spoken by many people but also it is used as a first or second language. If we are stuck in a foreign country, how we beg a help? The answer is by using English because it is impossible to use our own language.
Many scientists discover a new method, discovery, and so on and they summarize their discovery in English because it will be used by people around the world. We as students are often difficult to find sources because of the lack of ours. By using English many students in many countries understand the key of scientific and technology knowledge, which is needed for the economic and political development of their future.
Next, English is one of a top requirement of those who seeking jobs. In this globalization era we must improve our skill and ability as a result we must also improve our English. Applicants who master English are more favorable than there are who not. For the example many applicants are rejected by the company because they don’t master English whereas their score are high, so it proves that nowadays English is very important including in job.
From the facts above, it’s obviously clear that we should learn English more. It helps us in many opportunities. There are many good influences on people even it brings us to higher position if we could speak English well.
Mustila Aji Hertanto
The Importance of English
English is the most important language in the world. Many people speak English. It can also be also believed as a tool to unite people around the world because we come from different culture and language and English is one of international language besides it is also a top requirement of those seeking job.
Firstly, English is an international language. Not only spoken by many people but also it is used as a first or second language. If we are stuck in a foreign country, how we beg a help? the answer is by using English because it is impossible to use our own language. Many scientists discover a new method, discovery, and so on and they summarize their discovery in English because it will be used by people around the world. By using English many students in many countries understand the key of scientific and technology knowledge, which is needed for the economic and political development of their future.
Finally, English is one of a top requirement of those who seeking jobs. In this globalization era we must improve our skill and ability as a result we must also improve our English. Applicants who master English are more favorable than there are who not. For the example many applicants are rejected by the company because they don’t master English whereas their score are high, so it proves that nowadays English is very important including in job.
From the facts above, there are many advantages of using and mastering English. It can also be used as a device to measure our quality in daily life.
Mustila Aji Hertanto
English is a Global Language
English is one of language which is used as second language even to communicate with other people around the world. English is a must in our daily need because many people speak it. There are two points of view why English is a global language. Those are the using of English and official language.
English is used by many people around the world. Every year about 1 billion people studying English. It is used to communicate with each other even with foreigner and it is gradually replacing other language. English is the dominate language of business, travel, and science. When people need common language they use English. It is also often used for tourist information in international hotel and airport. Not only have that but also in internet there are many main sources that using English. Internet creates any international communities and in fact people must understand English to master internet.
Next, English is believed as the official language. More than 75 countries use English as a requirement for job. Many people must understand English to reach their target in job because we are in globalization and competition is a must. The European Union uses English along with French; The Asian trade group uses English as added meaning. In business it opens opportunities because people all over the world coming contract with each other. They need language to communicate. Being proficient in English gives many advantages in such situations.
Mustika Aji Hertanto
Hortatory Exposition
In all of discussion over the riches of Semarang, there are some special cuisine which are well known in other city, such as tahu gimbal, soto semarang, and bandeng presto. All of three cuisine should be tasted when you come to Semarang because of its unique and only in Semarang you can find it.
The firs argument is that tahu gimbal has special form with other cuisine. It is made by fried tofu mixed with lontong ( food consisting of rice steamed in a banana leaf )., boiled bean sprouts, and shrimp gimbal. It is very attractive.
Another example is soto Semarang which also has different form with the other soto from the other city. In Semarang, soto is mixed with rice directly and completed with quail egg or mussel or chicken sate while in other city the rice is separated from soto itself.
Second argument is that bandeng presto is a special cuisine of Semarang which merely only in Semarang you will find this cuisine because it originally is from Semarang. you can find that cuisine in Bandeng Juwana Shop in Pandaran Street which is the center of food gift in Semarang.
I feel that those three kind of cuisine of Semarang should be tasted when you come to this city.
Analytical Exposition
In Semarang, there are some special cuisine, such as tahu gimbal, soto semarang, and bandeng presto. All of this cuisine are necessary to be tasted if you have enough time to visit Semarang. This is so for a number of reason.
First, tahu gimbal is one of the most cuisine Semarang which has special form. It is made by fried tofu mixed with lontong ( food consisting of rice steamed in a banana leaf )., boiled bean sprouts, and shrimp gimbal. It is very attractive and cheap cuisine for every time.
Similarly, soto Semarang is also has different form with the other soto from the other city. In Semarang, soto is mixed with rice directly and completed with quail egg or mussel or chicken sate while in other city the rice is separated from soto itself.
Finally, bandeng presto is a special cuisine of Semarang which merely only in Semarang you will find this cuisine because it originally is from Semarang. you can find that cuisine in Bandeng Juwana Shop in Pandaran Street which is the center of food gift in Semarang.
Thus, for the reasons above we can know that three cuisine of Semarang are necessary to be tasted.
Hortatory exposition
NIM : 2201408049
The campus is expected to provide 24-hour hotspots for students
Today hotspot usage is very meaningful for students. Lecturers on campus also have very often give lectures tasks through the use of the Internet. So whether hotspots important for students? whether the hotspots 24 hours is important for students? the answer must be, students desperately need this facility. there are several reasons why the hotspot is very important for students.
First, this is now the lecturers have followed the development era, they often give assignments or information through the use of the internet. Hotspot can help students to access the Internet with ease. They can get information and communicate with ease.
Second, students are required to always cut corners to meet their needs every day. So very hard if you have to very often go to the cafe to get information or to collect duties from professors via the Internet. Hotspot helps students because these facilities are given free of charge to students around campus.
Third, students need information not only on the college course, sometimes they also have to use internet access when at night when, when the campus activity is over. This is why the campus should provide 24-hour hotspots.
From a variety of reasons. I strongly believe that if the provision of hotspots for the students is very important given around the campus. So the campus must provide these hotspots for students. Campuses also must control the use of hotspots. all forms of abuse of hotspots should be reduced by the campus.
In Unnes conservation program, there is a program which suggests us to separate the rubbish, especially for organic rubbish and anorganic ones. We have to support this program because we can save our environment by doing this program.
Organic rubbish is the rubbish that can be destroyed or decomposed naturally. The example of the organic rubbish is all product that come from living creatures such as leaves, stems, fruits, vegetables, meat etc. So, they have to be separated from anorganic rubbish because it can be decomposed naturally and can be a fertilizer for the soil.
Anorganic rubbish is the rubbish that can not be naturally decomposed. It needs a long time to be destroyed. This rubbish needs special treatment in order to keep and prevent our environment from the soil pollution.
So, the separation of rubbish can make the decomposition of them be easier and prevent our environment from the pollution.
Analytical exposition
NIM : 2201408049
Campuses Hotspot Usage
Today's increasingly high demand of information for students, starting from small things like want to know how things are in a separate place so far, we can access everything through the facilities of the internet.
This is now also have internet access is mainly facilitated by the existence of hotspots, this can be easier for us to access the internet. Our education system should applied it to our system. There are some reasons why its needed by school.
The first after moving can access the internet anywhere as long as there are hotspots.
The second they do not have to pay, because the campus does not charge in the use of hotspots.
and the third student can also use this facility to be able to communicate easily with teachers.
For that reasons, I believe that hotspot can helps students and give them many chance to get a lot of information for their study.
Report text
NIM : 2201408049
In each of the majors in UNNES have hotspots facility. Hotspot refer to certain places (usually public) who have internet service using Wireless LAN technology, such as at universities, malls, plazas, libraries, restaurants or airports. Internet service like this, there are paid and who did not (for free).
Some components in the hotspot are :
* Station mobile (mobile)
* Access Point
* Switch, Router, Network Access Controller
* Web server or other servers
* High-speed Internet connection
* Internet Service Provider Internet Service Provider
* Wireless ISPs
With this technology, anyone can access the internet via laptop / computer / phone / PDA that they have on-okasi hotspot locations are available, of course, computer / laptop / phone / PDA must have a wi-fi technology. [1]
In general, standardization of equipment wifi hotspots using the WLAN IEEE 802.11b or IEEE 802.11g. [1] WLAN technology is capable of providing high speed access up to 11 Mbps (IEEE 802.11 b) and 54 Mbps (IEEE 802.11 g) in a distance up to 100 meters. Students can use the hotspot for doing their homework, seek information, or use it only to communicate in a network of friends like faceboook, twiter, and etc.
Hortatory Exposition/ Aloysius Setyo W/2201408004
For the time being, laptop is so familiar for us. The next generation of PC-Desktop makes our daily works more easier and faster. For this era, laptop is needed for mobile bussines people because its ability to be brought anywhere, bring a lot of data and easier to connect internet. How about our education system? Should we apply it? Yes, it should be applied to our education system. There are some reasons why its needed by school.
First, school must gives students more chances to study. Laptop has abilities to give the students more wide sources to be learned, they can find many materials, experiences and more through the world beside studying by reading books.
Second, the using of laptop can reduces their stress because of reading and writing. If school gives them atracted material presentation or give them to search what they want about the material, once again, it will makes them to love studying. So the school must see from this side.
For that reasons and many more reasons, I believe that the using of Laptop should be allowed in school. So for the next step school must allows, supports, and controls them to use laptop as an educational media in class.
Analytical Exposition/ Aloysius Setyo W/2201408004
For the time being Laptop is so familiar for us. The next generation of PC-Desktop makes our daily works more easier and faster. For this era, laptop is needed for mobile people because its ability to be brought anywhere. Our education system should applied it to our system. There are some reasons why its needed by school.
First, the multimedia brought in it makes the learning proccess more fun than before. A lot of softwares that adapted from science material can be used as an alternative of studying and makes them enjoy the learning proccess.
Second, the using of laptop can reduces the costs of using paper. We have already know that reduce the using of paper also reduce the global warming and support the green earth. School usually use a lot of paper and books, after they’re graduated the paper useless.
Third, the using of laptop also give the students more wide source to be learned. Supported by school, students can use internet. They can find many experience through the world not only from book. By the authorization of school, internet can be set more save for students
For that reasons and many more reason, I believe that Laptop can helps students and give them many chance to study.
The Consequences of Juvenile Delinquency
In societies,there is a phenomenon called Juvenile Delinquency. Thus phenomenon can give bad effect in social relation and the future of the teenagers. This is so for a number of consequences of Juvenile Delinquency in the society, family and school area.
First, Juvenile Delinquency can lead the teens to do the bad serious activities. When they gather with their friends or gang, they do the dangerous activities for example smoke, drinking alcohol, doing the illegal race, play truant, etc.
Second, it will create a gap between them and their parents. The teens feel that they are more comfort with their friends in their group or gang. They regard that their parents just want them to do what they want without knowing their child problem. The teens will stay away from their parents.
Finally, the Juvenile Delinquency can destroy the teens' future. It will disturb the teens' activities in school. Most of them do not attend the class, they do play truant and do not do the assignment. When it is become worse, they will be dropped out from their school
Thus from the reasons of the above, I conclude that the Juvenile Delinquency is dangerous and gives the serious consequences to the teens' life.
Senin, 24 Mei 2010
Reforestation is one of the conservation activities in Unnes. We should do that because it is an important and advantageous program.
It is a kind of regeneration program for the old trees. As we know that nowadays the land is lack of trees. It happened because there are so many trees felling around our environment. They are used to make the human furniture such as chair wood, table, cupboard, house equipments etc.
Trees are the source of oxygen production. Their leaves can produce oxygen which is very important for living creatures. Oxygen is an influential substance for breathing so without oxygen or lacking of it will be dangerous.
So, the reforestation is necessary for our life. We have to support the reforestation program. It can do by planting some trees starting from our environment.
Minggu, 23 Mei 2010
Hortatory Exposition Text
Some of us know the most of yawning is due to suggestibility and empathy. If a student sees his or her friend yawn, so involuntary they yawn too.
Some people give opinion that yawning in public area is an impolite action. Why is it impolite? We agree, because it supposed as ignorance and irrespective attitude for the lecturer. Moreover if that happen in the class, it can hurt the lecturer indirectly and signify that it is a boring class.
From statements above, so the student should still pay attention and focus their concentration on the lecturer. The lecturer itself must be desirable to try to handle their class and make it more attractive and interesting to avoid impression that it is a boring class.
[ 2201408067 ]
Analytical Exposition Text
Some of us know that much of yawning is due to suggestibility and empathy. If a student see his or her friend yawn, so involuntary he or she yawn too.
Some people give opinion that yawning in public area is impolite action. Why it is impolite? We agree, because that attitude supposed as ignorance and irrespective attitude to the lecturer. Moreover if that happen in the class, it can hurt the lecturer indirectly and signify that it is a boring class.
Then, it is unusual habit in our culture, furthermore if yawning without close with our hand and it voiced.
Thus, yawning in the lecturing class is an impolite action, moreover if it caused and gives suggestion to another friend.
[ 2201408067 ]
Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010
hortatoty exposition
Facebook is one of the friendship site which is most used by the Indonesian society. All of citzens, either adult, youth or kids use account of facebook. For the adult, facebook gives any advantages but for the youth, especially junior high school students it will bring any problems.
1. The students usually forget to study. They would rather spend their time to explore their facebook account than open their lesson books. Because of that, the prestige of the students must be decreased.
2. Because of facebook, the students can enter into free association. It is because they can search and get any friends from facebook freely. The psychology’s conditon of the students which is not stable yet causes the students trying a new thing although it is not good for them.
Therefore, the account of facebook should be forbidden for the junior high school students. The parents in family and the teacher in school also must give an intensive guidance for the students in their assocation in order to the students can study and develop well.
Hortatory Exposition
Rabu, 19 Mei 2010
The Hon RJ Hawke, MP
Prime Minister
Parliament House
Dear Prime Minister,
We are writing to you because we are concerned about the way food is being advertised to children.
(Argument 1)
What we eat now affects our health in years to come. Bad dietary habits start while we are very young. For this reason your government supports health education that encourages a balanced healthy diet. Australians are encouraged to get the bulk of their nutrients from fresh fruits, vegetables, and wholegrain cereals, a lesser amount from foods high in fat, salt and sugar.
(Argument 2)
TV advertising to children presents a completely different message. Nearly 80% of food advertising pushes fatty snacks or sweet- the very foods that should be eaten least. To make matter worse, these ads take up much of the advertising time. This must be stopped.
(Argument 3)
TV advertising is powerful and influential. Parents,however strong-willed, find it hard to resist pressures created by this advertising. Children are least able to understand the tricks of the advertising industry.
For the hours when children are the main audience, TV advertising of foods must be made to reinforce, not undermine, the message about a balanced diet. we appeal to you, as Prime Minister, to take the lead in calling together the advertisers, TV networks, consumers and public health bodies to decide how this is to be done.
Your sincerely,
Analytical Exposition Text (siswati,2201408127,rombel 3)
It is a well-known fact that it is a dilemma for many people to make a will, without the added problems of deciding who should draw up this document.
This task is made simple with the availability of service from the Public Trust Officer.
Firstly the Office has a large efficient staff which includes barristers, solicitors, accountants, valuers, and qualified property inspector. Knowledge of the legal aspect is very well covered.
Also the charges need consideration. Here at this Office there are no charges for making or the holding of a will.
Furthermore, the Public Trustee is guaranteed by the State of Queensland and has special powers to solve problems or simplify procedures which, in the long term, save expense.
(Reiteration/ Summing Up)
Therefore, it can be clearly seen that there is only one sounds choice in making your will- the public Trustee- as it is permanent, efficient, and secure.
You should consider this!
SRN = 2201408097
Rainbows are optical and meteorological phenomena that cause a spectrum of light to appear in the sky when the Sun shines onto droplets of moisture in the Earth's atmosphere. They take the form of a multicolored arc, with red on the outer part of the arch and violet on the inner section of the arch. More rarely, a secondary rainbow is seen, which is a second, fainter arc, outside the primary arc, with colors in the opposite order, that is, with violet on the outside and red on the inside.
Rainbows can be caused by other forms of water than rain, including mist, spray, dew, fog, and ice. Moreover, rainbows can have shapes other than a bow (arc), including stripes, circles, or even flames
The rainbow's appearance is caused by dispersion of sunlight as it goes through raindrops. The light is first refracted as it enters the surface of the raindrop, reflected off the back of the drop, and again refracted as it leaves the drop. The overall effect is that the incoming light is reflected back over a wide range of angles, with the most intense light at an angle of 40°–42°. The angle is independent of the size of the drop, but does depend on its refractive index. Seawater has a higher refractive index than rain water, so the radius of a 'rainbow in sea spray is smaller than a true rainbow. This is visible to the naked eye by a misalignment of these bows.
Rainbows can be observed whenever there are water drops in the air and sunlight shining from behind a person at a low altitude angle (on the ground). The most spectacular rainbow displays happen when half of the sky is still dark with draining clouds and the observer is at a spot with clear sky in the direction of the Sun. The result is a luminous rainbow that contrasts with the darkened background.
SRN = 2201408097
Australia is home to 25 of the world’s 30 monitor lizard species. In Australia, monitor lizards are called goannas.
Goannas have flattish bodies, long tails and strong jaws. They are the only lizards with forked tongues, like a snake. Their necks are long and may have loose folds of skin beneath them. Their legs are long and strong, with sharp claws on their feet. Many goannas have stripes, spots and other markings that help to camouflage them. The largest species can grow to more than two meters in length.
All goannas are daytime hunters. They run, climb and swim well. Goannas hunt small mammals, birds and other reptiles. They also eat dead animals. Smaller goannas eat insects, spiders and worms.
Male goannas fight with each other in the breeding season. Females lay between two and twelve eggs.
Report Text (siswati,2201408127,rombel 3)
Rice is plant that produces an edible grain, the name is also used for the grain itself. Rice is the primary food for half the people in the world. In many regions it is eaten with every meal and provides more calories than any other single food.
According to the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization( FAO), rice supplies an average of 889 calories per day per person in China. In contrast, rice provides an average of only 82 calories per day per person in the United States. Rice is a nutritious food, providing about 90 percent of calories from carbohydrates and as much as 13 percent of calories from protein.
Source: Encarta Encyclopedia
Analytical Exposition Text
SRN = 2201408097
To improve comfort and cleanliness at school, there should be an increasing number of dust bins.
When we look at classroom,school corridors,and schoolyard, there are papers, mineral water cops, straws, and napkins every where. the condition of unseemliness really hinders learning and teaching environment. they can be filled out with water coming from the rain. This can be placed for mosquito to spread out.
I notice that most of the student have responsibilities for the school environment. They have to put their litter on the proper place but they can not find the dust bins because the number of dust bins in the school aren't enough. More dust bins should be put beside each step, outside the classrooms and some along the corridors, so the students can find the dust bins easily.
When school is equipped with sufficient dust bins, students do not have problem of discomfort anymore. So provide more dust bins and school will be very clean and become a nice place to study.
Siswati,2201408127,rombel 3
How a Spider's Web Forms
A spider web looks delicate but it is very strong. It can hold 4000 times a spider's weight.But how does it form.
( explanation:shows the processes)
First the spider spins a thread of silk. The thread gets blown over to a branch by the wind. Then she makes another two threads and makes a Y shape. Next she makes more threads and they look like spokes off a wheel. Then the spider goes in spiral, out and back in, sits in the middle and waits for food.
This is how a web is formed.
rombel 3
SRN = 2201408097
Language is the mean of communication. Every nations have their own language and English now becomes an international language. Study about English is important. there are some reasons for it.
Firstly, there are some countries that use English for their daily communication. We can find in many manual guides and instruction of many devices are written in English.
English also can lead to scientific and technical knowledge. This transfer of science will include many countries in economic, social, and politic development.
Job applicants who master English are more favorable than ones do not. So,from the above facts prove that everybody need to learn English.
Boarding house is absolutely vital thing for students who live far from their house. Its function as house for a while. Students’s money still depend on their parents. Therefore, they should think smartly to choose cheap boarding house with complete facility.
Unnes is located at Gunung Pati. The boarding houses are located at Banaran, Sekaran, and Patemon. At Patemon we can find boarding houses with cheap cost. It is located far from campus and students who live at there usually have motorcycle. The cost range from Rp. 400.000 to Rp. 1000.000 per semester. Another choice is boarding houses at Sekaran. The cost of boarding houses at that place are various. it is range from Rp. 500.000 to Rp. 1500.000 per semester. The advantage from boarding houses at Sekaran is its location at crowded area with many shops and restaurants. The last choice is boarding houses at Banaran. The cost of boarding houses at Banaran are usually more expensive. It is range from Rp. 600.000 to 2000.000 per semester.
The cost of boarding houses are various, so we as Unnes students should choose it smartly. If our budget is not much enough, we can look for boarding house which is conducive situation for studying but the cost is cheap.
Boarding house is absolutely vital thing for students who live far from their house. Its function as house for a while. Students’s money still depend on their parents. Therefore, they should think smartly to choose cheap boarding house with complete facility.
Unnes is located at Gunung Pati. The boarding houses are located at Banaran, Sekaran, and Patemon. At Patemon we can find boarding houses with cheap cost. It is located far from campus and students who live at there usually have motorcycle. The cost range from Rp. 400.000 to Rp. 1000.000 per semester. Another choice is boarding houses at Sekaran. The cost of boarding houses at that place are various. it is range from Rp. 500.000 to Rp. 1500.000 per semester. The advantage from boarding houses at Sekaran is its location at crowded area with many shops and restaurants. The last choice is boarding houses at Banaran. The cost of boarding houses at Banaran are usually more expensive. It is range from Rp. 600.000 to 2000.000 per semester.
The various cost of boarding hoses can help us choose it which is appropriate to our needed easily.
Educational Plagiarist Should Be Punished Academically
In education world, plagiarism is chronic disease, thus it needs strong punishment. I believe that it is important to academically punish educational plagiarist by reducing his final score or even disqualify him from the test. Why is it so urgent? I will explain it in these following reasons
First, plagiarism hampers the spirit of students to study
When they start to imitate someone’s work or idea, and they feel that it’s easier than creating original idea, moreover, if they don’t get any punishment. It will diminish his motivation to study.
Second, plagiarism gives adverse affects to the author.
It is hard to find an idea to write an essay, when our essay is easily copied by another person and he doesn’t get the proper punishment, it will brings disadvantages for the writers. Later on we will be reluctant to create a new idea because our previous idea wasn’t appreciated.
Third, plagiarism deteriorates the image of education
Image of education is determined by the originality of the students’ work, when society knows that the work of the students is questionable. It will deteriorate the image of education
Seeing those three reasons, I may conclude that plagiarism is a chronic diseases.
Selasa, 18 Mei 2010
Educational Plagiarist Should Be Punished
In education, plagiarism is serious disease, thus it needs harsh punishment. I believe that it is important to academically punish educational plagiarist by penalizing his final score or even disqualify him from the test. Why is the urgency? I will explain it in these following reasons
First, plagiarism worsen the image of education
Image of education is determined by the originality of the students’ work, when society knows that the work of the students is only the product of plagiarism. It will worsen the image of education
Second, plagiarism increase the laziness of students
Imitating someone’s idea is easier than creating original idea, moreover, if they don’t get any warning for instance, decreasing the score. They will be lazier because they will think, “why should I bother making my essay by myself, copying others is easier”
Third, plagiarism means we don’t give appreciation to the author.
It is hard to find an idea to write an essay, when our essay is easily copied by another person and he doesn’t get the proper punishment. Later on we will be reluctant to create a new idea because our previous idea wasn’t appreciated.
Seeing those three reasons, I suggest the government to penalize the final score of plagiarist to stop plagiarism culture.
analytical exposition
In some gardens, it is easy for us to find palm trees. Palm trees are good and fascinating to be planted based on several reasons.
First, palm trees do not need too much treatment. As palm trees are tropical plants, they do not need too much water. Palm trees can grow well without fertilizer.
Second, palm trees have unique shape that can beautify the garden. People can plant those unique-shaped trees to decorate their garden. In this case, palm trees become the natural decorators of the garden.
Another reason why palm trees are good to be planted is that palm trees produce a lot of oxygen that is needed by all creatures. Palm trees can make the air become fresher.
In conclusion, palm trees are very good and useful to be planted.
Refreshing And Student In Boarding House
One, it is needed to shift their mind from their home. It is can be understood because they are away from home for long time. Two, refreshing is needed to keep they in their healthy mind. If they do not do something to run away from their problems they can be insane. Three, students need healthy mind when attend their classes. When students done refreshing, their mind will come moody or in good state of mind, this condition will allow them to study in the class in their best condition so that the lesson will enter their brain perfectly. Four, if students do not do refreshing and stand still in their problems about their home, their dutes as students, their assignments, and their social complications they will be depressed so it is possible for them to do something fool by hurt themselves.
Thus, refreshing is really needed by students who live in boarding house for their ownsake.
Yunita Nasti A.
Girls In Boarding House
One, we love to take a nap very much. Because most of us have a lot of activities out the house, we take the most of our time to take a nap. This may happen evert times. In the morning, after praying. In the afternoon, between class hours. In the evening, after the classes and before the busy hours (some of us have to attend some meeting in each divition in campus).
Two, when ordinary girls are chatting and watching television every times they gathering, we prefer to play card (pokeran). We think it has more quality because beside we entertained, we also think to win the game.
That's it. Thank you.
I'm sorry to uploaded it a little later than anyones else.
Yunita Nasti A.
Senin, 17 Mei 2010
Fajar Setio Nugroho (2201405505) - Explanation Text
Rain comes from moisture that has been drawn up in the air by the sun’s heat to form invisible water vapour. The change from liquid water to water vapour is called evaporation. The water vapour is blown across the ocean until it is over the land. The land is warmer than the ocean, so the water vapour rises over the land. As it rises, water vapour cools down. It condenses changes back into liquid water around tiny air bone specks or dust or salt and forms water droplets.
Gradually clouds forms from the growing mass of water droplets. Within the clouds, the droplets collide with each other and form larger water droplets. These may become so big and heavy they fall as rain.
Fajar Setio Nugroho (2201405505) - Recount Text
The first object that we have visited is Borobudur. It is the wonderful temple I’ve ever seen. The weather is fine, so we continued our vacation to Malioboro.
We plan to go around Malioboro by foot. We enjoyed having “lesehan” there. It is kind of a restaurant but we sit on the ground. Many kinds of local handicraft are sold along Malioboro street. Both domestic and foreign tourists are interested in them. We bought some interesting souvenirs there.
Fajar Setio Nugroho (2201405505) - Narrative Text
One day as she was weaving in her pavilion, she became moody and distracted, which caused her to keep dropping her shuttle on the floor. Once when it fell she exclaimed she would marry the one who gave it back to her. At that very moment her dog Tumang, a demigod possessing magic powers, came up to her with the shuttle in his mouth. Dayang Sumbi had to marry him.
They lived happily together, and Dayang Sumbi gave birth to a baby boy, human in appearance but endowed with his father's magic powers. She named him Sangkuriang. As the boy grew up, he was always guarded by the faithful dog Tumang, whom he knew only as a companion and not as his father, Sangkuriang became handsome and brave.
One day his mother asked him to go hunting with the dog and bring her venison for a feast. After hunting all day without success, Sangkuriang worried about facing his mother empty-handed. Desperate, he took an arrow and shot the dog. He returned home and handed over the meat to his pleased mother.
Soon after the feast, however, Dayang Sumbi questioned her son about the absence of Tumang. At first he evaded her queries but finally told her what had happened. She was horrified and struck her son so hard on the temple that he collapsed. For that, the old king banished his daughter from the court and she was made to roam around the kingdom. Sangkuriang recovered with a large scar on his temple, and he too left the court to wander about the world.
Years later, Sangkuriang met a beautiful woman and instantly fell in love with her. It was his own mother-they did not recognize each other. He proposed to her and she agreed to marry him. On the day before the wedding, as she was caressing her fiancee's hair, Dayang Sumbi detected the scar on the temple. Horror struck her, for she was about to marry her own son, Sangkuriang. Without revealing the whole truth to him, she tried unsuccessfully to dissuade him. Desperate to avoid the marriage, she set conditions she thought impossible to meet: Sangkuriang had to make a lake that filled the whole valley and build a boat for the couple to sail in, all before dawn.
Sangkuriang started to work. His love gave him extraordinary strength, and he used his magic powers to summon the spirits to help him. With boulders and mud they dammed the river in the valley and the water rose and began to form a lake. In the early morning hours he chopped down a huge tree in the forest and began hollowing it out to make a boat. When Dayang Sumbi saw that he was about to accomplish what she had thought impossible, she called on the gods to bring the sun up early and thwart Sangkuriang.
The cock crowed, the sun rose much earlier than usual, and Sangkuriang realized he had been deceived. In a fit of fury he cursed Dayang Sumbi and kicked the half-finished boat back into the forest. There it lies upside down today, forming the mountain Tangkuban Perahu (Upturned Boat). Not far away is the stump of the tree Sangkuriang had felled, now called Bukit Tunggul. The dam Sangkuriang had built caused the valley to become a lake, where both Sangkuriang and Dayang Sumbi drowned themselves. They were never heard of again.
Minggu, 16 Mei 2010
Corn Existence in Purwodadi
Afifah Tri Hyuanawati
Analytical Exposition
Indonesian farmers, notably in Purwodadi, like to plant corn. This is because corn is tropical plant which can grow in tropical area. There are some types of corn such as Zea mays saccharata (sweet corn), Zea mays everta (pop corn), and Zea mays amylacea (for corn flour). Bellows are some reasons to plant corn.
First, corn is easy to plant. It just needs 80 to 150 days to get the best corn. Corn has separated male flowers and female flowers in a plant. The female flowers placed in the cob which is grow between the stem and midrib. The male flowers placed on the top of the plant, so it can do pollination on the female flowers easily. Corn doesn’t need too much water. It is suitable with the climate in Purwodadi. It can grow both in “tegalan” (rain-field) and “sawah” (floodable rice land).
Then, corn contains many kinds of nutrition. It contains some nutrition such as carbohydrate, protein, sugar, fat, fiber, and some vitamins. It supplies about 9 percent of all calories and 12 percent of protein intake. That’s why people prefer to eat corn to substitute rice. Moreover, it is cheaper than rice. It also contains less sugar than rice so that it is safe for the diabetics.
Finally, corn is easy to process. It can be processed into some kinds of food, such as corn flour, corn sugar (for the diabetics), corn syrup, corn milk, corn flakes, pop corn, corn snacks, and animal feed. Overall, the easiest way to enjoy corn is eating steamed corn on the cob.
Jumat, 14 Mei 2010
You may try and show your best ideas!
http://anbti. org/lomba- esai/
Dalam rangka memperingati Hari Sumpah Pemuda, Aliansi
Nasional Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (ANBTI) mengundang orang muda
Indonesia berpartisipasi dalam lomba esai bertema € ¢â’ ’¼Kita Peduli€ ¢â’ ’½.
Tema ini diinspirasi oleh semangat Sumpah Pemuda 1928 di mana pada
saat itu orang muda mau mengambil tanggungjawab ikut memecahkan
persoalan bangsa. Dengan semangat persatuan, mereka berjuang bersama,
melunturkan sekat-sekat primordialisme agama, dan etnis memperjuangkan
cita-cita bersama, menghapus segala bentuk penjajahan. Dengan semangat
yang sama pula, melalui lomba ini orang muda Indonesia diharapkan
memiliki rasa kebersamaan dan kepedulian dalam ikut berusaha memecahkan
persoalan bangsa dengan segala penyakit sosialnya.
Tema ini akan dikhususkan pada tiga sub tema:
* Indonesia negara Maritim. Sebagai negara kepulauan, Indonesia
disatukan oleh laut. Namun, selama ini, paradigma pembangunan di
Indonesia masih mengabaikan laut sebagai prioritas utama pembangunan.
* Kesetaraan Gender. Kesetaraan gender berarti kesamaan peran bagi
laki-laki dan perempuan untuk memperoleh kesempatan serta hak-hak yang
sama sebagai sesama manusia. Kesetaraan gender meliputi penghapusan
diskriminasi dan ketidakadilan struktural, baik terhadap laki-laki
maupun perempuan. Keadilan gender berarti tidak adanya pembakuan peran,
beban ganda, subordinasi, marginalisasi, dan kekerasan terhadap
perempuan maupun laki-laki.
* Eksistensi Masyarakat Adat. Diskriminasi terhadap masyarakat adat
khususnya penganut kepercayaan lokal terus saja terjadi. Parahnya,
diskriminasi ini dilakukan secara sistematis, karena negara kerap
membuat berbagai kebijakan publik dalam bentuk UU yang terus
mendiskriminasi masyarakat adat. Seperti pengabaian atas pengakuan agama dan kepercayaan yang mereka anut. Pemerintah masih melanggengkan
pengakuan terhadap € ¢â’ ’¼agama resmi dan tidak resmi€ ¢â’ ’½ yang memarginalkan
kelompok masyarakat di luar enam agama yang difasilitasi oleh negara
(Islam, Kristen, Katolik, Budha, Hindu, dan yang baru diresmikan,
Khonghucu). Selain itu, persoalan eksistensi kehidupan masyarakat adat
juga sering digusur oleh kepentingan pemodal yang ingin mengeksploitasi
tanah-tanah adat.
Syarat Lomba
1. Diikuti oleh Peserta Perorangan. Baik pelajar SMA, SMK atau yang
setingkat dan mahasiswa (D3/S1).
2. Tulisan berbentuk esai dan belum pernah dipublikasikan.
3. Panjang tulisan maksimal 8.000 karakter (termasuk spasi) tidak
termasuk halaman yang menjelaskan identitas peserta. Spasi rangkap
dengan tipe huruf Times New Roman dengan font size 12.
Pengiriman tulisan
1. Tulisan dikirim via pos ke alamat: Jl. Tebet Barat Dalam VII No. 19
Jakarta Selatan 12810, atau melalui email ke lombaesai@anbti. org
2. Mencantumkan kode € ¢â’ ’¼Penulis€ ¢â’ ’½ pada amplop luar di bagian kiri atas
3. Batas waktu penerimaan tulisan di panitia pada 2 Juli 2010 cap pos.
4. Tulisan disertai nama penulis, fotokopi bukti diri (KTP/Kartu
Pelajar/ Kartu Mahasiswa), alamat lengkap sekolah/rumah, serta nomor
telepon (sekolah/rumah/ handphone) .
Pemenang dan hadiah
1. Panitia menetapkan Juara I, II, dan III pada masing-masing kategori
(pelajar dan mahasiswa). Juara I, II, III masing-masing akan mendapatkan tabungan sebesar Rp 10 juta, Rp 7,5 juta, dan Rp 5 juta (pajak
ditanggung panitia).
2. Pengumuman tiga puluh penulis terbaik akan ditampilkan di pada 24 Juli 2010.
3. Tiga puluh penulis terbaik (pelajar dan mahasiswa, masing-masing 15
orang) akan mendapatkan pelatihan penulisan dan paket wisata ke
4. Penentuan pemenang lomba (Juara I, II, dan III) akan diumumkan pada
28 Oktober 2010 dan ditampilkan dalam situs web ANBTI,
5. Karya pemenang lomba dan 30 penulis terbaik (pelajar dan mahasiswa)
akan diterbitkan dalam sebuah buku.
6. Keputusan dewan juri tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Dewan juri terdiri dari:
* Ignatius Haryanto, Direktur Eksekutif Lembaga Studi Pers dan Pembangunan
* Ayu Utami, Novelis
* Ratna Hapsari Rudjito, Ketua Asosiasi Guru Sejarah
Indonesia (AGSI)
Keterangan Lebih lanjut bisa di menghubungi panitia, Contact
person : 021 94 59 55 26 (Malia)
Selasa, 11 Mei 2010
Friends come and go, and sometimes we drift apart from each other. This can happen from a large array of different reasons, the most common being an argument or disagreement.
Even the smallest disagreement can lead to a huge confrontation, and annihilate a once close friendship. Other scenarios include resentment, broken trust, jealousy, or perhaps you two just changed over time - losing common interests.
A broken relationship can certainly have many different effects on a person. Years can pass and the people who were once friends won't even think about what happened to cause the rift.
It is only when we think deep and hard that we realize how much of an impact that person had on our life. Sometimes, restoring that friendship can have a dramatic effect on your lifestyle.
Nama: Windhariyati Dyah Kusumawanti
NIM: 2201408038
Rombel: 3 (307-308)
Those who have faced an ending to an important relationship with someone they care can certainly relate to an aftermath of sadness, grief, disorientation, self-doubt, and often a temporary feeling of depression and despair.
It takes time for your heart to mend, which usually involves a time of thinking through and reliving all the shared experiences. It takes time to evaluate your choices from beginning to end, to look for clues that may not have been apparent at the time. This can mean weeks or months and even years for some, of feeling waves of emotion as your mind revisits experiences that keep getting triggered by your daily activities.
Relationship broken problems way of thinking will not last forever. One day you'll wake up and you'll be able to see things clearly again. You'll remember all of the things that made you unhappy about your relationship while you were still in it and you'll be thrilled that you never have to deal with those problems again. As long as you can pull yourself out of your "relationship broken problems" stage, your life will quickly become better than it ever was before.
Nama: Windhariyati Dyah Kusuawanti
NIM: 2201408038
Rombel: 3 (307-308)
Fixing a broken friendship takes a lot of effort,Time, emotions, feeling, money are investments that you have made in the friendship and it's only the individuals who understand and appreciate it, that are in the particular friendship. However before you start mending the fences, ask yourself is it really worth it. If you think that it is worth it, then you should just go ahead. First and foremost look at the small things that brought you together.
It's always the small things that matter the most. When you listen to your friend, then you can make progress in your friendship. For that you need to stop taking things for granted. Many a times when we start taking our friend for granted, the rot begins to appear. We stop appreciating the small things that they do for us.
Nama: Windhariyati Dyah Kusumawanti
NIM: 2201408038
Rombel: 3 (307-308)
There are 22 palm trees I observed at UNNES garden. I observed those trees at May 01, 2010 in the afternoon.
I found that the trees have similar appearances. Those trees have leaves, often gigantic in size, being usually firm in texture and branching in a pinnate or palmate fashion. They have large evergreen leaves that are pinnately or feather leaved compound and spirally arranged at the top of the stem. The leaves of palm trees are either arranged at more or less distant intervals along the stem, as in the canes, or are approximated in tufts at the end of the stem. The individual flowers are usually small, greenish and insignificant. I found approximately 5 or 6 flowers on each tree. The stems of those trees are bottle-shaped. All of those palm trees are unbranched. The heights of those trees are approximately 5 meters. Those palm trees are bungalow palms but the people around UNNES call those trees bottle palms because they have bottle-shaped features. People planted those trees at UNNES in order to beautify the garden as many people think that palm trees are good for decorating the garden.

The PlayStation (abbreviated PS) brand is a line of video game consoles created and developed by Sony Computer Entertainment, it was first introduced by Sony Computer Entertainment in Japan on December 3, 1994. The PlayStation currently spans the fifth, sixth, and seventh generations of video gaming. The brand consists of a total of three consoles, a media center, an online service and a handheld as well as multiple magazines.
The original PlayStation was the first "computer entertainment platform" to ship 100 million units, which it had reached 9 years and 6 months after its initial launch. Its successor the PlayStation 2 is the best-selling console to date, having reached over 140 million units sold as of September 30, 2009. Sony's current console the PlayStation 3 has sold over 33.5 million consoles worldwide as of December 31, 2009. The first handheld game console in the PlayStation series, the PlayStation Portable (PSP), has sold a total of 60 million units worldwide as of March 14, 2010. The PlayStation Network also has over 40 million users worldwide.
Optical eye is the main weakness of the PlayStation game console. This is because the optical eye becomes weak when the PlayStation has been used for long enough. Consequently, in her game loading will spend a long time or it will be the same game was not loading at all, because of weak optical eye is not able to read the game CD. Often, the owners of console games overcome this problem by turning or tilt their PlayStation. However, this is only a temporary solution. They will meet a similar problem after a lapse of sometime later, so that the PlayStation will be tilted at an angle greater than or counterclockwise direction. Instead of repairing or replacing the optical eye is weak, most of these console owners prefer to sell their PlayStation and buy new units. This caused the cost of repairs is almost no distance is proportional to the price of the new PlayStation.
Since using the CD as a storage medium, it will result in frequent appearance of screen-time loading on the PlayStation in a long time and the CD has a lower durability compared with the cartridge.
PlayStation has better graphics than any other console game at that time.
The cost to purchase the CD storage media is cheaper than buying cartridge.
Report Text
Ant ( M.Fadhil I. / 2201408098 )
Ants are social insects, which means they live in large colonies or groups. Some colonies consist of millions of ants. There are three types of ants in each species, the queen, the sterile female workers, and males. The male ants only serve one purpose, to mate with future queen ants and do not live very long. The queen grows to adulthood, mates, and then spends the rest of her life laying eggs. A colony may have only one queen, or there may be many queens depending on the species. Ants go through four stages of development: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.
Ants have three main parts. The head, the trunk(middle section), and the rear or metasoma. All six legs are attached to the trunk. The head consists of the jaws, eyes, and antennae. The eyes of ants are made up of many lenses enabling them to see movement very well. The antennae are special organs of smell, touch, taste, and hearing. The metasoma contains the stomach and rectum. Many species of ants have poison sacks and/or stingers in the end of the metasoma for defense against their many predators.
Ants do not have lungs. Oxygen enters through tiny holes all over the body and Carbon Dioxide leaves through the same holes. There are no blood vessels. The heart is a long tube that pumps colorless blood from the head back to the rear and then back up to the head again. The blood kind of coats the insides of the ants and is then sucked into the tube and pumped up to the head again. The nervous system of ants consists of a long nerve cord that also runs from head to rear with branches leading to the parts of the body, kind of like a human spinal cord.
If you watch ants for any length of time you will see that they really do communicate with each other and very effectively too. Ants communicate by touching each other with their antennae. Ants also use chemicals called pheromones to leave scent trails for other ants to follow.
Senin, 10 Mei 2010
Aloysius Setyo W 2201408004 Report Text
Kamis, 06 Mei 2010
Report Text
One of the most well-known plants in Purwodadi is corn. Corn, which is also called Zea mays, is a kind of plant grown for its grain. It has yellow to orange seeds which is in rows on a cob. It has green leaves which wrap the cob. It usually grows in tropical area. It has yellow to orange seeds in some lines on the cob and is wrapped in green leaves. It has fibrous root and its stalk can grow up to six meters.
In Purwodadi, people grow corn to substitute rice because their nutrition is almost the same. Moreover, corn contains less sugar than rice. It is very good for the health. Most people usually process the corn into corn flour, corn flakes, corn syrup, corn milk, and corn snacks. However, some people prefer to eat corn on the cob.
Rabu, 05 Mei 2010
Boarding house is absolutely vital thing for students who live far from their house. its function as house for a while. Students still depend on money from their parents. Therefore, they should think smart to choose cheap boarding house with complete facility.
Unnes is located at Gunung Pati. The boarding houses are located at Banaran, Sekaran, and Patemon. At Patemon we can find boarding houses with cheap cost. It is located far from campus and students who live at there usually have motorcycle. The cost range from Rp. 400.000 to Rp. 1000.000 per semester.
Another choice is boarding houses at Sekaran. The cost of boarding houses at that place are various. it is range from Rp. 500.000 to Rp. 1500.000 per semester. The advantages from boarding houses at Sekaran is its location at crowded area with many shops and restaurants.
The last choice is boarding houses at Banaran. The cost of boarding houses at banaran are usually more expensive. It is range from Rp. 600.000 to 2000.000 per semester.
2201407152/ 03
Cheating is an act or in ways that are dishonest, fraudulent, and justifies any means to achieve the best value in the test or exam in each subject. According to my research, the students of Semarang State University especially six semester students of Educational English most of them cheating while doing a cheating.
The main reasons why students cheat is because most of them were not prepared to follow test or exam. The second reason (actually not an excuse) is oversimplifying the day itself. Various kinds of shapes. A third reason, maybe it was sort of cheating. So, feel not confident if they did not cheating. Reasons like this usually hits students who lack confidence in their own answers.
Cheating can be categorized into two parts: first cheated by their own efforts, secondly with the cooperation. Own business here is to make a small note tucked in shirts, stationery or desk (make a note a day before the actual exam is fine if the function to recall the lessons that have been received by students), Noted on the hands and feet, certain cues, create a diversion. Steal answers from friends.
Cheating also endanger themselves for when the teacher found out, can be ascertained value of 0. This means that cooperation now in the 'battlefield' is the futility of the exam, because your friends only use yourself, and you are not aware of having taken advantage of. This often happens. The name of competition, each participant must compete instead of cooperate. Because the champion whose name was only owned by one person, not a team or collective.
So conscious or not, agree or disagree, like it or not, cheating can bring both short-term dangers and long term, both for the cheater, and their friends who takes a cooperation.
Selasa, 04 Mei 2010
Shoes are common stuff which is used in daily activities such as in campus or even to hang out with friends. In
Shoes are common to be wear in any events, from formal to informal. They are made from strong material such as leather, with a thick leather or plastic sole and usually heel. They protect and save our foot from any harm.
The design of shoes has varied enormously through time and from culture to culture with appearance being tied to function. Additionally, fashion has often dictated wheather shoes have heels or no heels at all ( There are so many kind of shoes such as cat, pantovel, boots, and wedges and etc. The part of shoe itself are sole, heel, toe, instep, lace and tongue. People wear shoes in which they are comfort on it. Some students said that they preferred the shoes without heels at all to the wedges one, because they feel comfort and can move quickly. But, in wedges or shoes with heels, they will look more girly and elegant.
Dina Suci Marliana
Semarang Cuisine
Semarang is very famous with its cuisine besides its tourism. Maybe you have seen some Semarang cuisine in other city, but they still need to be tasted if you have enough time to visit Semarang.
Semarang has the center of cuisine in Pandanaran Street, almost all of special cuisine of Semarang can be found along the street. One of those special cuisine is Bandeng Presto. You can find that cuisine in Bandeng Juwana Shop in Pandanaran . Another most cuisine of Semarang is tahu gimbal which is made by fried tofu mixed by lontong ( food consisting of rice steamed in a banana leaf). boiled bean sprout, and shrimp gimbal. It is easy to find tahu gimbal along Pahlawan Street and KB Park in Menteri Supeno Street. Besides that, you will also find soto Semarang in almost all of places in Semarang, but the center of it is in Thamrin Street. The special of soto Semarang is that it is mixed by rice directly and completed by quail egg or mussel or chicken sate. Those are some of Semarang cuisine that you need to enjoy when you come to Semarang.