
Minggu, 11 April 2010

writing assignment

Ilima Fitri Azmi
Narrative Text – GBW


Once upon a time there lived a very beautiful girl named Lova. She lived in a very deep forest in Kalimantan with all her friends there. She loved the trees and all environments there.
One day, there was an announcement from the king of the forest that all of the creatures in the forest had to participate on the war and fight because the king of Java island forced all of creatures to move to another island in order to enable the king of java island to build a very big palace in the forest.
On the day, the war occurred. Lova went to the hill to treat and cure the entire injured soldier s. Suddenly, she saw a very handsome man she had never seen before. She asked him “who are you?””What are you doing here?” The man answered “My name is Niko, I am the king of the Java Island, Somebody stabbed my arm with a poisoned dagger, please give me water and cure my arm, and I will give you everything you want when this war is over”. Lova said “You are a man who destroy our future here, you are wicked, and you don’t know how meaningful this forest for us, maybe if I bring you to my king, you will be assassinated, but I’ll give you another choice. I’ll help you if only you want to leave our island and let us live here peacefully and never bother us again. What do you choose?”The king lost much of his blood until he almost got fainted, then he said “Okay than, I’ll leave this island and never bother you all anymore if you let me live”. After that, the king asked his commander to stop the war. Then the Java king and all of the soldiers of the Java kingdom returned to their island.
Two weeks later the king of Java Island and some soldiers came again to the Kalimantan forest Kingdom. All of the creatures in Kalimantan forest were so afraid. They thought the king of Java would create a war again. When the king arrived to the forest the king said “I want to meet the most beautiful girl here. She helped me when I got injured two weeks ago. She has a very black hair”. The teak tree answered “Oh that is Lova. She lives in the east part of this forest” Then the king went to the east part of the forest in search of Lova. Then when he found her washing her clothes on the river, the king said to Lova “You are the girl I looked for. I tried to forget you but I can’t. Now I say I love you. Will you marry me?”And then Lova answered “I love you too. You are too marvelous to forget. I do”. The king was so happy to hear this.
A week later, the king announced his marriage to all people. The King held a very big wedding party. They lived happily ever after, forever.

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