
Selasa, 27 April 2010



Tears are liquid material that comprised mainly of water, oil, and mucous which produced in the lachrymal glands near the eye. We as a human can produce tears. Human can produce tears when we are in emotional pain or whenever we get stimulant. Besides, facial expressions of sadness and happiness are interpreted as much stronger when accompanied by tears.
We have tears ducts under the upper eyelids and produce a salty liquid that get spread throughout the eye after each blinks.
We actually have three different kinds of tears. There are basal, reflex, and emotional tears. Basal tears are tears which protect and moisten our eyes. Reflex tears are tears which flush irritants and foreign objects from our eyes. Emotional tears are tears which produced in response to strong emotions or pain.
The body automatically produces basal and reflex tears, but emotional tears are only one produced by the process we call as a cry.


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