
Selasa, 20 April 2010


How to be successful in long distance relationship
Being in a long distance relationship isn't easy. It needs very strong trust, commitment, guidelines, and communication. Studies show that a majority of people involved in long distance relationships eventually break up. That's why we see so many people claim that long distance relationships are a bad idea. It is possible for people who have long distance relationship to become happily married as a result of being a long distance relationship. A long distance relationship will be difficult and needs a strong commitment between us and our partner. In a study of long distance relationships, Dr. Greg Guldner found that 70% of couples in a long distance relationship who did not set rules, or deal with changes, ended up breaking up within six months. It is important why we and our partner must set rules to keep our long distance relationship. This includes an agreement that we will not date others, that we will communicate daily, and that we will see each other at least once every 2-3 months in person. Part of a successful long distance relationship is being able to imitate patterns that found in regular relationships. One of these patterns is daily communication. Not only we can communicate via email and instant messaging for free, but we can also talk to each other by phone. It is important for the growth and stability of our relationship. One of the ways it increases our relationship stability is by expressing our feelings. Even though our partner may live hours away, we can plan to go at the exact same time to see the movie then when it is over call each other to discuss it. It is fun knowing that our partner does the exact same thing as we do at the exact same time. Even though we are apart, we are still sharing a moment "together". We must be clear about our relationship with each other. We don’t assume that our long-distance partner doesn’t knows our feelings. Good or bad, we must be clear about what we feel about the relationship. Let our partner clearly know our ambitions, fears, feelings, and desires. Meeting regularly is important to the success of our long-distance relationship. We should be cancelled other events in order to see our partner. The great thing about long-distance relationships is we tend to get to know our partner better than if we were physically together. As a result, we learn much more about your partner's likes, dislikes, and passions. For example, maybe our partner really loves football and we've never played football, so, we can play football together with our partner. Surprises are fun because they are unexpected and show how thoughtful a person is. We think of things that we can do to be a surprise to our partner. Our long distance relationship can work if we have the time and effort into making it work. As Dr. Phil says, "If you're in love with somebody, you will swim the stream, you will climb the mountain, you will slay the dragon..."

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