
Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

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Dina Suci Marliana

Semarang Cuisine

Semarang is very famous with its cuisine besides its tourism. Maybe you have seen some Semarang cuisine in other city, but they still need to be tasted if you have enough time to visit Semarang.

Semarang has the center of cuisine in Pandanaran Street, almost all of special cuisine of Semarang can be found along the street. One of those special cuisine is Bandeng Presto. You can find that cuisine in Bandeng Juwana Shop in Pandanaran . Another most cuisine of Semarang is tahu gimbal which is made by fried tofu mixed by lontong ( food consisting of rice steamed in a banana leaf). boiled bean sprout, and shrimp gimbal. It is easy to find tahu gimbal along Pahlawan Street and KB Park in Menteri Supeno Street. Besides that, you will also find soto Semarang in almost all of places in Semarang, but the center of it is in Thamrin Street. The special of soto Semarang is that it is mixed by rice directly and completed by quail egg or mussel or chicken sate. Those are some of Semarang cuisine that you need to enjoy when you come to Semarang.

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