
Rabu, 05 Mei 2010

2201407152/ 03


Cheating is an act or in ways that are dishonest, fraudulent, and justifies any means to achieve the best value in the test or exam in each subject. According to my research, the students of Semarang State University especially six semester students of Educational English most of them cheating while doing a cheating.
The main reasons why students cheat is because most of them were not prepared to follow test or exam. The second reason (actually not an excuse) is oversimplifying the day itself. Various kinds of shapes. A third reason, maybe it was sort of cheating. So, feel not confident if they did not cheating. Reasons like this usually hits students who lack confidence in their own answers.
Cheating can be categorized into two parts: first cheated by their own efforts, secondly with the cooperation. Own business here is to make a small note tucked in shirts, stationery or desk (make a note a day before the actual exam is fine if the function to recall the lessons that have been received by students), Noted on the hands and feet, certain cues, create a diversion. Steal answers from friends.

Cheating also endanger themselves for when the teacher found out, can be ascertained value of 0. This means that cooperation now in the 'battlefield' is the futility of the exam, because your friends only use yourself, and you are not aware of having taken advantage of. This often happens. The name of competition, each participant must compete instead of cooperate. Because the champion whose name was only owned by one person, not a team or collective.
So conscious or not, agree or disagree, like it or not, cheating can bring both short-term dangers and long term, both for the cheater, and their friends who takes a cooperation.

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